the (FREE!) essential roadmap

Build Your $$ Making Digital Product Biz With Help from ChatGPT

Sick of the overwhelm when it comes to making money in your online business with Digital Products?

I've broken it down into 3 Phases so that you can see where you should start and where you'll end up.

From $0 to scalable profits in 3 phases.

What you need is a Roadmap to see the steps you should take.

So, I made one for you.

I've broken the process of building your digital product business down into 3 Phases:

  • Phase 1: Creating & Selling an eBook
  • Phase 2: Creating a free opt-in & a Tripwire funnel
  • Phase 3: Creating an email sequence to sell your next digital product (like a course, challenge or workshop)

And each phase includes how you can incorporate ChatGPT so that you get all of the benefits of making money in less time and with less stress!

The Essential Roadmap to $$: ChatGPT + Digital Products

***Plus bonuses: The CRISP Prompt Framework & The 3 Phases of Your Digital Product Biz Infographic!***

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